Commitee of the Portuguese Society for Equine Facilitated Services
Our fundamental objectives during the first three years of our existence were to develop and boost research, development and innovation involving the interaction of people with animals, with the aim of promoting this relationship and the real benefit of the quality of life of the parties involved.
. Demonstrative Actions of research were carried out in national and international
journals and communications or Posters in Congresses.
. Comunications
4th Annual Conference | May 4, 2017 | Health@Lisbon. Ilda Rosa, Inês Pereira-Figueiredo, Sophie Picoto. Animal-assisted interventions in elderly with dementia in Portugal. Universidade de Lisboa. INTERDISCIPLINARY NETWORK ON HEALTH, redeSAÚDE.
. Posters
. Bobone, R., Chaves, S. and Pereira Figueiredo I., (2018) “Can dog-assisted interventions be used to help at-risk children?” XIV PhD Meeting in Social and Organizational Psychology, ISCTE, Lisboa, Portugal.
. Pereira-Figueiredo, I, and Rosa, I. (2017) “The Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy as a psychomotor intervention in autistic children” I Jornadas Científicas da Psicomotricidade, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Lisboa
. Alonso C, Otero, N., Sancho C. and Pereira-Figueiredo, I (2017) “The effects of a therapeutic horseback riding program in a child with developmental delay: a case study” I Jornadas Científicas da Psicomotricidade, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Lisboa, Portugal
. Publications
Inês Pereira-Figueiredo (2018) em Revista Equitação
Inês Pereira-Figueiredo (Junho de 2017). Nova abordagem nos efeitos da interação entre o homem e os animais, artigo publicado na revista Veterinaria Atual
Inês Pereira-Figueiredo, Sophie Picoto, Ilda Rosa (2017). Os efeitos das intervenções assistidas por animais em idosos institucionalizados em Portugal, pp 35-39, Número de lançamento da Revista de Inovação e Empreendedorismo Social, IES-Social Business School
Sophie Picoto (2016). Quebrar o isolamento com 4 patas.